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ICRA 21 (2024, Shanghai)

Click HERE to view ICRA21 Programme Book. (Last Update: August 1, 2024)

Slides of "International Conferences on Representations of Algebras: The first 50 years" by Henning Krause. Link

Slides offered by workshop speakers (Last Update: September 4, 2024):
Sira Gratz: Lattices and thick subcategories. Lec1 Lec2 Lec3
Andrew Hubery: The Deligne-Simpson problem via weighted projective lines and deformed preprojective algebras. Lec1 Lec2 Lec3
Yukari Ito: Crepant resolution and the McKay correspondence in dimension three. Lec1 Lec2 Lec3
Gustavo Jasso: Minimal A-algebras of endomorphisms. Lec1-3
Bernhard Keller: On Higgs categories for cluster algebras arising in higher Teichmüller theory. Lec1-3
Ming Lu: Hall algebras and i-quantum groups. Lec1-3

Slides offered by plenery speakers (Last Update: August 9, 2024):
Rudradip Biswas: Bounded t-structures, finitistic dimensions, and singularity categories of triangulated categories. Slides
Peigen Cao: F-invariant in cluster algebras. Slides
Eleonore Faber: Friezes in representation theory. Slides
Daniel Labardini Fragoso: Mutations of infinite-dimensional quiver representations. Slides
Henning Krause: Locally dualisable modular representations and local regularity. Slides
Bernard Leclerc: Shifted quantum affine algebras and cluster algebras. Slides
Vanessa Miemietz: Categorification in representation theory. Slides
Fernando Muro: On the classification of triangulated categories with finiteness conditions. Slides
Steve Oudot: Stability for homological approximations in persistence theory. Slides
Xiuping Su: Categorification and mirror symmetry for Gr(k;n). Slides
Zhengfang Wang: Derived equivalence classes of skew-gentle algebras via deformation theory. Slides
Efim Zelmanov: Superconformal algebras. Slides
Yu Zhou: Geometric models of graded skew-gentle algebras. Slides
Grzegorz Zwara: On transversal slices for modules over representation finite algebras. Slides

Slides offered by parallel sessions speakers (Last Update: August 10, 2024):
Hyungtae Baek: w-operation on the Anderson rings. Slides
Liqian Bai: Generalized quantum Cluster algebras: The Laurent phenomenon and upper bounds. Slides
Severin Barmeier: Deformation theory via reduction systems and applications. Slides
Leizhen Bao: Cluster symmetry and Diophantine equations. Slides
Xiuli Bian: Classifying recollements of derived module categories for derived discrete algebras. Slides
Daniel Bissinger: Uniform Steiner bundles and adjoint pairs of reflection functors for Kronecker representations. Slides
Ricardo Canesin: Categorifying twisted Auslander-Reiten quivers. Slides
Wen Chang: Tilting-completion, τn-finiteness and n-completeness for gentle algebras. Slides
Hongxing Chen: Self-orthogonal modules and Tachikawa's second conjecture. Slides
Jianmin Chen: Geometric model for vector bundles via infinite marked strips. Slides
Jun Chen: (De)Coloring in operad theory with applications to homotopy theory of relative Rota-Baxter algerbas. Slides
Xiao-Wu Chen: An introduction to module factorizations. Slides
Xueqing Chen: On the acyclic quantum cluster algebras with principle coefficients. Slides
Tomasz Ciborski: Derived equivalences for derived discrete algebras of infinite global dimension. Slides
Jian Cui: Cotorsion pairs and model structures on Morita rings. Slides
Lleonard Rubio y Degrassi: On HH1 and the fundamental groups. Slides
Difan Deng: On τ-rigid modules over string algebras. Slides
Jingcheng Dong: Near-integral fusion. Slides
Ivon Dorado: Preprojective component in a suitable Krull-Schmidt category. Slides 1; Slides 2
Darius Dramburg: Classifying n-representation infinite algebras of type tilde A. Slides
Qiang Dong: Equivariant approach to simple singularities. Slides
Jie Du: Constructing the queer quantum supergroup using Hecke-Cliiford superalgebras. Slides
Bing Duan: Cluster algebras, quantum affine algebras, and categorifications. Slides
Jiepeng Fang: Sheaf realization of Bridgeland's Hall algebra of Dynkin type. Slides
Ming Fang: Projective-injective modules of Temperley-Lieb algebras. Slides
Nan Gao: Model Structures arising from modules of finite Gorenstein dimension. Slides
Monica Garcia: Cotorsion pairs thick subcategories and g-finiteness in K[-1,0](proj Λ). Slides
Christof Geiss: Bangle functions are the generic basis for cluster algebras from punctured surfaces with non-empty boundary. Slides
Shengfei Geng: Denominator conjecture for some surface cluster algebras. Slides
Hernán Giraldo: Auslander-Reiten triangles in Frobenius categories and applications. Slides
Mikhail Gorsky: Deep points in cluster varieties. Slides
Jacob Grevstad: Wild concealed algebras are not g-tame. Slides
Esha Gupta: d-term silting objects, torsion classes, and cotorsion classes. Slides
Zhe Han: Groupoids from moduli space of quadratic differentials on Riemann surfaces. Slides
Norihiro Hanihara: Calabi-Yau completions and cluster categories for roots of τ. Slides
Haigang Hu: Point varieties of noncommutative conics. Slides
Jiangsheng Hu: Resolving dualities and applications to semi-derived Ringel-Hall algebras. Slides
Wei Hu: Rigidity dimensions and the Euclidean algorithm. Slides
Yanping Hu: n-slice algebras of finite type. Slides
Zheng Hua: A modular construction of Positroid varieties. Slides
Min Huang: Positivity for quantum cluster algebras from orbifolds. Slides
Zhaoyong Huang: Auslander-type Conditions and Weakly Gorenstein Algebras. Slides
Ryota Iitsuka: Triangulated structures induced by mutations. Slides
Giovanni Cerulli Irelli: Specialization map for quiver Grassmannians. Slides
Alicja Jaworska-Pastuszak: Galois coverings and Krull-Gabriel dimension of algebras. Slides
Hai Jin: Bi-Frobenius Algebra structures on quantum complete intersections. Slides
Maximilian Kaipel: Torsion lattices and the τ-cluster morphism category. Slides
Ryo Kanda: Dualizable Grothendieck categories and idempotent rings. Slides
Shunsuke Kano: Entropy of cluster DT transformations and the finite-tame-wild trichotomy of acyclic quivers. Slides
Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz: Tilting and cotilting subcategories in categories of quiver representations. Slides
Yixin Lan: Lusztig sheaves and tensor products of integrable highest weight modules. Slides
Gangyong Lee: On Utumi rings. Slides
Fan Li: On relative Koszul duality and dg enhanced orbit categories. Slides
Liping Li: Sheaves of modules on ringed sites. Slides
Nengqun Li: Fractional Brauer configuration algebras. Slides
Li Liang: A method to construct model structures. Slides
Kay Jin Lim: Projective modules and cohomology for integral basic algebras. Slides
Zengqiang Lin: Inhomogeneous tubes and a conjecture by Geiss-Leclerc-Schröeroer on root systems. Slides
Junyang Liu: On Amiot's conjecture. Slides
Shiping Liu: A new approach to Auslander-Reiten formulae and almost split sequences in abelian categories. Slides
Yu Liu: Relative cluster tilting theory and τ-tilting theory. Slides
Yuming Liu: A generalization of Dugas' construction on stable auto-equivalences for symmetric algebras. Slides
Suiqi Lu: Categorification of Collapsing Subsurfaces. Slides
Xue-Song Lu: Model structure from one cotorsion pair. Slides
Yongzhi Luan: Dirac cohomology, branching laws and Wallach modules. Slides
Xiu-Hua Luo: Auslander-Reiten translations in the monomorphism categories of exact categories. Slides
Yajun Ma: Model structures and Q-shaped derived category. Slides
Piotr Malicki: Characterizations of tame algebras with separating families of almost cyclic coherent components. Slides
Francesca Mantese: Irreducible representations of the free algebra K< x1,...,xn> through Leavitt path algebras. Slides
Xuefeng Mao: Calabi-Yau connected cochain DG algebras. Slides
Lang Mou: Generic bases of cluster algebras in affine types. Slides
Kaveh Mousavand: Brick-Brauer-Thrall conjecture and applications. Slides
Ruslan Muslumov: Simple functors over the Green Biset Functor of section Burnside rings. Slides 1; Slides 2
Sebastian Opper: Derived Picard groups and integration of Hochschild cohomology. Slides
Takumi Otani: The number of full exceptional collections for extended Dynkin quivers. Slides
Oyeyemi Oluwaseyi Oyebola: Extra Polyloop-II and Its Representations. Slides
Shengyong Pan: CM duality for bimodules and singular equivalences of Morita type. Slides
Grzegorz Pastuszak: On functors of the first and second kind. Slides
Tuan Anh Pham: The orbit method for the Witt algebra. Slides
Mara Pompili: Factorization theory of cluster algebras. Slides
Matthew Pressland: Representation theory and positroid varieties. Slides
Fan Qin: Quantum A=U. Slides
Yongyun Qin: Categorical properties and homological conjectures for bounded extensions of algebras. Slides
Yu Qiu: Deformation of 3-Calabi-Yau categories, moduli spaces and Artin braid groups. Slides
Parackal Romeo: Cross-connection representations of the category of fibers of vector bundles. Slides
Shiquan Ruan: Hall algebra approach to i-quantum groups. Slides
Álvaro Sánchez: Abstract representation theory via coherent Auslander-Reiten diagrams. Slides
Markus Schmidmeier: Invariant subspaces of nilpotent operators. Level, mean and colevel: The triangle T(n). Slides
Adam Skowyrski: Periodicity shadows: a new combinatorial insight in studying periodic algebras. Slides 1; Slides 2; Slides 3
Arjun Sujatha Narayanan: Irreducible representation of cover of Lie algebras. Slides
Peter Symonds: The module structure of a group action on a ring. Slides
Kai Meng Tan: Cores and weights of multipartitions and blocks of Ariki-Koike algebras. Slides
Jan Thomm: Auslander-Reiten sequences in minimal A-structures of the module category of a representation directed algebra. Slide
Satoshi Usui: Stable categories of Gorenstein-projective modules over monomial algebras. Slides
Laertis Vaso: Higher τ-tilting theory for Nakayama algebras. Slides
Jialin Wang: Some endotrivial module of the symmetric group. Slides
Junpeng Wang: Homotopy equivalences over rings with finite Gorenstein weak global dimension. Slides
Qi Wang: Representation type of cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras. Slides
Ren Wang: Rreprojective algebras skew group algebras and Morita equivalences. Slides
Xi Wang: The λ-pure singularity categories on a Grothendieck category. Slides
Xukun Wang: The lax functoriality of Hochschild cochain complex. Slides
Peter Webb: Biset functors defined on categories. Slides
Can Wen: The first Hochschild cohomology groups under gluings. Slides
Yilin Wu: Group actions on relative cluster categories and Higgs categories. Slides
Yumeng Wu: The parity of Lusztig's restriction functor and Green's formula for a quiver with automorphism. Slides
Changchang Xi: Derived equivalences of algebras VS equivalence relations of matrices. Slides
Jie Xiao: Lie algebras of the two periodic categories. Slides
Bohan Xing: Generalized parallel paths method with applications to Brauer graph algebras. Slides
Jiajun Xu: Quiver loci, Kazhdan-Lusztig varieties, and Zelevinsky map. Slides
Xiaoxiao Xu: A recollement approach to Han's conjecture. Slides
Gang Yang: Homological theory of representations having pure acyclic injective resolutions. Slides
Xiaoyan Yang: G-dimension of DG-modules over commutative DG-rings. Slides
Huihui Ye: On F-polynomials for generalized quantum cluster algebras and Gupta's formula. Slides
Haicheng Zhang: Periodic derived Hall algebras of hereditary abelian categories. Slides
Lujun Zhang: The maximality of weakly separated collections under boundary maps. Slides
Xiaojin Zhang: Self-orthogonal τ-tilting modules and titling modules. Slides
Yingying Zhang: Mutation of Brauer conguration algebras. Slides
Zhen Zhang: Simple modules and quasi-tube on self-injective algebras of polynomial growth. Slides
Zhibing Zhao: n-torsionfree objects and Frobenius Functors. Slides
Xiaoqiu Zhong: Quasi-hereditary orderings of Nakayama algebras. Slides
Guodong Zhou: Minimal Models in algebra and Operad theory. Slides
Panyue Zhou: Right triangulated quotient categories. Slides
Haiyan Zhu: Frobenius extensions about centralized matrix rings. Slides
Shijie Zhu: Defect invariant Nakayama algebras and homological dimensions. Slides

Workshop Programme

Conference Programme

Public Lecture: Master Distinguished Lecture of SJTU

Conference Programme

Conference Programme

Conference places: SJTU Xuhui Campus:

Main Gate of SJTU (Xu Jiahui Campus)

